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Ehara ngā tohu Tino Rangatiratanga, Toitū te Tiriti hoki mā te hunga mahi moni

Maioha Panapa

Kei te tū ngā pihi o ngā ringa toi Māori ki ngā mahi a ētahi e mahi moni ana i ā rātou whakahoahoatanga.

I roto i te tutūnga mai a te Māori ki ngā kaupapa e whāia ana e te kāwanatanga hōu, i roto hoki i te ao whai hua o Pukamata, e rere ana te karere ki te hunga kei te whai pūtea nui i ngā whakahoahoatanga a ngā ringa toi Māori, tēnā kia toitū i runga i te tika.

I ngā mākete o Manurewa, i te tonga o Tāmaki Makaurau i ngā mutunga wiki nei, e kitea ana kei ōna toru tekau tāra te whiu hei hoko tī hāte tino rangatiranga mā ngā tamariki e rua atu ki te rima tau te pakeke. Ā, te āhua nei, ehara i te mea ko reira anahe e pērā ana.

Ko Linda Munn, te kaiwhakahoahoa i te haki Te Tino Rangatiratanga. Ā, nāna tētahi tītohutanga ki Pukamata i tēnei marama e mea ana, “mēnā kei te whai hua pūtea koe i te kara Tino Rangatiratanga, me whakahoki koha ki ngā iwi, hapū, whānau, hapori, rōpū atawhai rānei.”

Linda Munn · Ok if people keep messaging me I’m not answering, it’s pretty simple if your profiting from the Tino Rangatiratanga kara you need to koha back to Iwi/Hapu/Whanau, community or charity, marama and if you want to wear it because your Māori, proud, and want to tautoko the Kaupapa that is awesome too, Māori have already compromised enough and being kaitiaki is all our responsibility, but I’m always watching and aware of what’s going on lol keep it righteous whanau, Tino Rangatiratanga is not the latest trendy accessory it’s a commitment and the ultimate life style, Te hei mauri ora · Photo / Facebook

E tautoko ana a Munn i te hiahia a te Māori ki te mau i ngā kara o te Tino Rangatiranga, engari hei tāna kei te kite ia i ngā wā katoa, kei te mārama hoki ki ngā mahi e mahia ana.

Hei tāna, “me mahi tika. Ko te tino rangatiratanga, ehara i te mea hōu noa iho hei mau, engari he āhuatanga noho, he herenga mutunga mai anō hoki.”

He karere anō e rite ana ki tēnā kua puta hei tiaki i te mana pupuri o ngā tohu kua whakahoahoatia e te ringatoi nei, e The Hori mō te kaupapa “Toitū Te Tiriti” i haruru i te motu i runga i te karanga a Te Pāti Māori.

Nā ngā kaimahi o Toitū Te Tiriti te karere i tuku ki Pukamata e mea ana, “Nā @thehori te mana pupuri o ēnei tohu, ā, e mihi ana mātou kua tukuna e ia ki te kaupapa a Toitū te Tiriti hei hiki ake i ā mātou mahi tahi”.

Toitū Te Tiriti · Tena koutou katoa. These tohu were designed by The Hori and not to be used for profit or replication on any medium. The Hori owns the copyright of these tohu and we are grateful he has given these to the toitu te Tiriti Kaupapa to use to elevate our collective activations. As we advance this Kaupapa, the Hori will continue to be the kaitiaki of thes tohu to ensure they are treated with the respect they deserve. We acknowledge that you are all chomping at the bit to get your patches and are working behind the scenes to create a website where merchandise can be purchased and proceeds will go to the Kaupapa. We must always continue to respect the creations of our ringa toi. There are deep meanings, mātauranga and whakapapa that come with all works like this and so the way they are used require some tikanga. The same as the tino rangatiratanga flag. They are Kaupapa pieces that deserve to be treated with respect. Kia manawanui mai e te iwi.· Photo / Facebook

E ai anō ki te whārangi Pukamata o te kaupapa Toitū Te Tiriti, “ehara ēnei tohu mō te mahi moni. Me whakaute tonu i ngā mahi a ō tātou kaitoi. He hōhonu ngā tikanga, te mātauranga me te whakapapa ki ā rātau mahi, nō reira me whai tātou i ā rātou tikanga.”

Whakaahua: Nā Linda Munn i hōmai

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